Shelter Scotland exists to fight for everyone experiencing problems with their housing – whether that’s problems with repairs, a house that doesn’t meet their needs or that they are facing homelessness. More than one in three adults living in Scotland today are impacted by the housing emergency – this means an estimated 1.5 million people are currently struggling with their housing. Many people are worried about being able to afford their home over the next year while we are still battling a pandemic, when having a safe home to stay in has been the first line of defence. What is clear, is that Scotland’s housing system is broken and biased. We exist to stand alongside everyone who is being failed by this broken system.
People living in Edinburgh are hit hard by the housing emergency. Only 14% of properties in Edinburgh are social homes, compared to the national average which is 23%. The average rent in Edinburgh in the private sector is £1,336 per month, which means renting privately is completely unaffordable for large numbers of people. High rents and the shortage of social homes places the homelessness system under immense pressure. As a result, we have seen people who are homeless turned away when trying to get temporary accommodation because there are no spaces available. We also see people put into temporary accommodation that doesn’t meet their needs, and they sometimes have to stay there for years before they are able to get a permanent home.
If you are angry about how difficult it is to find a safe, affordable home in our city, we understand – we’re angry too. Day in and day out, our Advisers in Edinburgh work to find temporary and permanent accommodation for people that meets all of their needs, but this can be very challenging. This is why as well as providing advice and advocacy, we campaign with the people affected to try to change the housing system and fight for more homes to be built. We want a Scotland where no one has to face impossible decisions such as whether to eat, heat their home or pay their rent.
You can be part of the fight. We are rallying the country to end the housing emergency – and this is only the start. With your help, we’ll reform private renting, demand more social homes are built, and be there for anyone fighting housing injustice.
You can sign up to Fight for Home by clicking here. We will keep you updated on our work, campaigns, fundraising activities, events, volunteering opportunities, and products and services.
Nicola Hazelton, Edinburgh Community Hub Manager, Shelter Scotland
This week, (Tuesday 1st June 2021 to Monday 7th June 2021) is Volunteer’s Week. As part of Volunteer’s Week, nominations for the Inspiring Volunteer Awards 2021 are open. Run by Volunteer Edinburgh, organisations are able to nominate:
Organisations can complete the online nomination form and find out more by clicking here.
If you require any further information, please contact Jason McCann, Volunteer Edinburgh by calling 07587 034535 or email
Nominations close this Friday (4th June 2021).
A planned date of Wednesday 28th July 2021 has been pencilled in for the Awards Ceremony. It is hoped this will be a live in-person event. However this is subject to change as a result of any restrictions which may be imposed as a result of the pandemic. Watch this space for further details.
Utilita is a pay as you go energy provider that works with social landlords across the UK. As part of its work with the City of Edinburgh Council, Utilita is providing funding to help support community-based projects.
One of the first projects included planting trees in a green space at Firrhill Crescent, in South West Edinburgh. Three beautiful birch trees and three beautiful cherry trees were bought and planted by the Council to benefit future generations to come.
Plans are also underway to provide new computers to sheltered housing residents and community event equipment to a community group in North East Edinburgh. What about your area? Do you have ideas for a community project that would benefit tenants? Email