Federation Matters – June 2016 Edition

Welcome to our June edition of Federation Matters.  This edition includes information about our forthcoming Conference and Annual General Meeting, the Housing Roadshows plus much more. Federation Matters-June 2016

Federation Matters – May 2016 Edition

Welcome to our May edition of Federation Matters.  In this edition, you can find out more about our May Federation Meeting and details about our Annual General Meeting, including joining the Federation’s Executive Committee.  We also have information about the Council’s Neighbourhood Partnership ‘Meet the Funders’ event and an event to discuss the review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter. Federation Matters-May 2016

Federation Matters – April 2016 Edition

This edition includes information about the Inspiring Volunteering Achievement Awards for 2016, details of the City of Edinburgh Council Tenants’ Conference, information about the OneCity trust Grant Programme and ETF’s forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Federation Matters-April 2016

Tenants Voice | February 2016

Welcome to our February 2016 edition of Tenants Voice.  In this edition you will be able to read about our very successful Federation Meeting, which also included a Burns Supper, ETF’s work on Human Rights, ETF’s forthcoming Tenant Led Inspection work and much much more. Tenants Voice February 2016

Tenants Voice | September 2015

Tenants Voice September 2015

ETF E-Newsletter | September 2015

September 2015 e-newsletter