Welcome to the April 2023 edition of Federation Matters.
Federation Matters – April 2023
Our October edition of Federation Matters contains information about our forthcoming Federation Meetings, our Annual Surveys, the Sheltered Housing and Tenants Conference and much much more.
Welcome to August’s Federation Matters. This edition gives information on how Gateside Tenants Residents Association having managed to involve people in their local community, details of forthcoming Housing Roadshows and the September Federation Meeting and much, much more. Federation Matters-August 2016
ETF’s Annual Report gives a flavour of the work we have been involved in over the year, including our Tenant Led Inspection Group, Rents Group, Sheltered Housing Liaison Group and much, much more.
This edition contains information about our forthcoming Housing Roadshows, our Scottish Social Housing Charter consultation event, a tribute to one our longest serving Executive Committee members and much, much more. Federation Matters-July 2016
Welcome to our new look Tenants Voice. This edition contains information about our forthcoming Conference and Annual General meeting, an update on the co-production of tenant participation services in Edinburgh, plus much much more. Tenants Voice June 2016.