Sheltered Housing Liaison Group

This group brings together City of Edinburgh Council sheltered housing tenants to work with the Council on tenants’ issues.  The Sheltered Housing Liaison Group (SHLG) is currently using a human rights based approach to tackle a number of issues.  In early 2018, the SHLG decided to carry out a survey of tenants to find out about similar issues throughout the city.  Thinking about Human Rights the group learned about:



Non-Discrimination and Equality,

Empowerment and


Or the PANEL principles and planning for a survey began. Training on participatory research methods took place, with representatives conducting the survey door – door.

The survey focussed on current accommodation, housing support, social support and the Community Alarm Telecare Service.

The results were collated and the issues were themed around international, nation and local policies, including through a human rights lens.  A report was launched at and presented to the City of Edinburgh Council at a conference for sheltered housing tenants in October 2018.  A human rights monitoring group was also launched at the conference, where sheltered housing tenants will monitor how progress is being made on the issues highlighted.

Following the conference, the SHLG will draft up an action plan in moving forward, including how wider sheltered housing tenants can become involved and how meetings with the Council will take place.

ETF Repairs Group

Our members are tenants and residents from across the city and we meet regularly to discuss the Council’s repairs service and what improvements we would like to see made.

The ETF Repairs Group meets on a quarterly basis and some of the topics that have been discussed at meetings this year have included future plans for the group Repairs Direct and the Council’s Shared Repairs Service.

You can find out more about the ETF Repairs Group.  

Tenant Led Inspections Group

Tenant Led Inspections are a form of tenant participation that gets tenants fully involved in scrutinising one aspect of a landlord’s service. Tenants inspect the service, test it out and make recommendations on how the service can be improved. Tenant Led Inspections have been very successful here in Edinburgh and we would like to encourage many more tenants to get involved with us in this work.

To get involved, just contact the Federation office.

Our Inspectors have recently completed their inspection of the way the Council communicates with tenants about rent collection.   This was an enjoyable piece of work for the Inspectors, in particular getting the opportunity to meet and interview housing staff and speak to tenants as part of a Focus Group. You can download a copy of the report. Final TLI report on CEC Rent Coll Comms -Oct 2017

You can download a copy of the Council’s action plan. Rent TLI – CEC Action Plan FINAL – April 2018.

In 2016, the Inspectors carried out an inspection of the City of Edinburgh Council’s approach to insulating external walls.  The Inspectors made recommendations on how the service could be improved and the Council produced an action plan to put these recommendations into place.

You can download a copy of the report Final TLI report on Insulating Properties. November 2016

You can download a copy of the Council’s action plan EWI TLI Action Plan revised March 2017

In 2015, the Inspectors completed an inspection of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Repairs Reporting Process.

You can download a copy of the report at Final TLI Report on Repairs Reporting -July 2015 MH

You can download a copy of the action plan CEC Repairs Final Reporting Action Plan Oct 15

Repairs Group

The ETF Repairs Group brings together City of Edinburgh Council tenants to influence repairs issues.  ETF representatives meet regularly with Housing Property staff throughout the year and monitor the Council’s Responsive Repairs Budget and the performance targets for Housing Property as well as tenant satisfaction levels.

For more information or to add your name to the mailing list please contact the Federation office.


High Flats Group

This group brings together tenants from high-rise blocks across Edinburgh.  Fire safety in high rise flats is a very important issue as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire in London.  ETF has held a number of meeting to discuss fire safety measures.

Other topics at High Flats meetings have included, raising awareness of asbestos in high rise flats in Edinburgh and the role of block managers as a result of the move to the four localities.

If you would like to be involved with this group contact the Federation office.


ETF Issues Groups

Groups are set up when a specific issue needs to be tackled on an ongoing basis. They bring together representatives from tenants’ groups across the city that are concerned about the specific issue.

Groups are used to develop ideas, policies and campaigns on a city-wide basis. They are chaired by a member of the Executive Committee who will usually act as spokesperson on that particular issue. The groups may recommend policy and a plan of action to the Executive Committee for approval.

Most groups currently meet every three months. Members of the groups may also be asked to represent the Federation in its work with relevant landlord staff.

We currently have three groups in operation; RepairsHigh Flats and Sheltered Housing Liaison Group.  Each group has its own page which you can access by clicking the relevant link.

The Tenant Led Inspection Group has completed an inspection of the City of Edinburgh Council’s approach to Rent Collection Communication and we are always on the look out for new inspectors.

Most groups are open to all members. If you would like to get involved please follow the relevant link or contact the Federation office for more information.