Community Learning and Development

Edinburgh Tenants Federation uses a community development approach in our work with local tenants’ groups. This means we provide practical and development support, opportunities for people to connect, information and training to enable and empower individuals and tenants’ groups to influence the issues in their local communities.

And we’re big on contributing to Community Learning and Development as a profession.

We are proud to regularly host Community Learning and Development / Community Education/Housing student placements at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. We currently have partnering arrangements with the University of Edinburgh,University of Dundee and University of Stirling.

We are always on the look-out for links that will enhance our work, so if you feel your organisation could connect positively with us, or if you’d like to join ETF for a student placement, please get in touch.

Good practice guidelines

ETF would like to share examples of good practice, so get in touch if you have ideas of what we could feature.



Federation Matters

Tenants Voice

Federation Matters – June 2023 Tenants Voice – May 2023
Federation Matters – April 2023 Tenants Voice – December 2022
Final Federation Matters – February 2023 Final Tenants Voice -September 2022 –
Final Federation Matters – December 2022 Tenants Voice – April 2022
Final Federation Matters October 2022 Tenants Voice -December 2021 final
Federation Matters September 2022 Tenants Voice – August 2021
Final Federation Matters August 2022
Final Federation Matters June 2022
Final Federation Matters April 2022
Final Federation Matters February 2022
Federation Matters Final – December 2021
Final Federation Matters – October 2021



ETF Knowledge area

ETF provides training and resources for tenants’ groups. All of our resources for tenants’ groups can be accessed from the navigation bar on the right-hand side of this page.

We provide good practice briefings for Registered Social Landlords, those interested in Community Learning and Development – as well as other groups.

We’d love to hear from you if you think there’s something we could share with others. Just contact the Federation office with your suggestions.

Newsletters and other publications

Every month we issue Federation Matters, a news sheet outlining events and activities our members and supporters may be interested in.

Tenants Voice is published four times a year and provides news, information and opinions on issues of interest to Edinburgh’s tenants.

Back issues of Federation Matters and Tenants Voice can be found via the archive page.

We publish an annual report every June which is approved by the members at our Annual General Meeting. Click here to download our latest Annual Report.

The members also approve our workplan. Click here to download our current workplan.

We report on our progress towards the workplan every three months in our progress reports which are also approved by the membership. Click here to download our latest approved progress report.

Past progress reports can be found via the archive page.

Our reports into our Tenant Led Inspections into the repairs reporting processes of the City of Edinburgh Council and Dunedin Canmore Housing Association can be found via the inspections group page.

We produce briefings on various subjects from time to time and also respond to consultations. Click here to read the Federation’s reponse to the Consultative Draft Guidance On the Operation Of Local Authority Housing Revenue Accounts (HRAS) In Scotland

We have also produced:

For copies of any of these guides email or contact the Federation office on 0131 475 2509.