Tenants Voice | March 2015

Tenants Voice March 2015

Federation Matters – March 2015 Edition

Federation Matters-March 2015

Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith

ETF supported an open letter from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) to Iain Duncan Smith calling on the UK Government to immediately suspend the further implementation of Universal Credit in Scotland until the process of legislating for new powers for the Scottish Parliament is complete. Letter to Iain Duncan Smith re Universal Credit

Press Release Civic Scotland letter calls for suspension of roll-out of Universal Credit (2)

ETF E-Newsletter | January 2015

Our e-newsletter for January 2015 is now live. Check it out here.

Starting and running a T&R group

Setting up a tenants’ and residents’ association couldn’t be easier; all you need is a few people in your area who share a passion about wanting to make improvements.  You could maybe attend other public meetings in the area to try and drum up more interest to form a steering group.  A start up grant is available from the City of Edinburgh Council for their tenants to cover the costs of hiring a venue, photocopying and anything else needed to help to get started.  If you are with another landlord you could approach them to see what help they could offer to get a group started.  ETF is available for tenants of any landlord to provide guidance, information and support.

At present, ETF has the following member groups:

If you would like to set up a group in your area or would like some more information please contact the Federation Office.

Information for Scottish Government

Information for Scottish Government.