Federation Matters – April 2015 Edition

Tenants Voice | March 2015

ETF E-Newsletter | March 2015

Here is March 2015 edition of the e-newsletter

Federation Matters – March 2015 Edition

ETF Repairs Group

Our members are tenants and residents from across the city and we meet regularly to discuss the Council’s repairs service and what improvements we would like to see made.

The ETF Repairs Group meets on a quarterly basis and some of the topics that have been discussed at meetings this year have included future plans for the group Repairs Direct and the Council’s Shared Repairs Service.

You can find out more about the ETF Repairs Group.  

Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith

ETF supported an open letter from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) to Iain Duncan Smith calling on the UK Government to immediately suspend the further implementation of Universal Credit in Scotland until the process of legislating for new powers for the Scottish Parliament is complete. Letter to Iain Duncan Smith re Universal Credit

Press Release Civic Scotland letter calls for suspension of roll-out of Universal Credit (2)