Claiming Universal Credit

If you are considering claiming Universal Credit for the first time, then Citizens Advice Edinburgh can help.  Click on the link below for more information.

H2C Leaflet

Federation Meeting – 20th November 2019

Our next Federation meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th November 2019 from 2.00pm-4.00pm in the Norton Park Conference Centre.  Further details can be found by clicking on the link. Call Notice 20th November 2019

ETF Blog

ETF’s housing blog features stories, reflections and pictures about what’s hot in housing and the communities world.

We are looking for contributors to help tell the story of what’s happening in housing in Edinburgh (…and beyond)  and we need YOUR help. If you’re a tenant, work in housing, interested in community development, or just plain passionate about where you live why not become one of our guest bloggers?

No experience necessary and support will be provided if you need it. Just give us a shout on 0131 475 2509 or email to tell us you’re up for it.

Here’s some hints and tips for our blog:

  • A photo and a bit about you (name, organisation, why you’re blogging). We know some people might want to be anonymous and that’s fine too.
  • People love hearing from real people.
  • You’re an expert. Your experiences count. Tell your story.  Be comfortable what you’re sharing.
  • If you’re passionate – it will show.
  • Talk around the topic – housing, community development, your local area or issue.
  • Use pictures, poems, or practical hints and tips to make your point.
  • Don’t fear controversy.
  • Follow our golden rules when blogging. We need to make sure our online community is safe.

Practical tips:

  • Maximum 300 words
  • Keep it short and snappy. If it’s more than 300 words – fantastic – that’s two blog posts!
  • Contact the ETF office if you need help to get involved. Phone 0131 475 2509 or email

City of Edinburgh Council Draft Tenant Participation Strategy 2020-2023

The City of Edinburgh Council’s final stage consultation on it’s new draft Tenant Participation Strategy for 2020-2023 is now open on the Council’s website and can be viewed by clicking here.

Through the draft Tenant Participation Strategy, the City of Edinburgh Council wants to ensure that tenants really:

  • Know the different ways they can become involved;
  • can take part and influence decisions if they want to;
  • Have the support and resources they need to take part;
  • Can help to develop quality services.

Tenants developed these outcomes and a recent survey confirmed they want us to continue to aim for these results, with increased transparency and accountability to tenants and greater tenant influence.  The closing date for responses is Friday 10th January 2020.

The Strategy has been developed taking account of feedback from the Tenant Panel and Registered Tenants’ Organisations, including ETF.

A paper copy is available by emailing or calling 0131 529 7805.  Please send completed responses to Tenant and Resident Services, Level G.5, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG.

ETF says – Challenge Poverty? Aye we can!’

Representatives from Edinburgh Tenants Federation came together for an afternoon tea on Tuesday 8th October 2019 to support the Poverty Alliance’s Challenge Poverty Week.

There were a number of interesting discussions relating to poverty in Edinburgh and a number of key themes were brought up, including:

‘There are too many tenants from both the private and social rented sectors in Edinburgh who are living in poverty and attending food banks on a regular basis.  This can’t be allowed to continue!’

‘A lot of people are not speaking about poverty because they feel embarrassed.  We need to lose the stigma of poverty to ensure people feel able to speak about their issues.’

The issue of poverty is brought up in many meetings that I attend.  The impact the benefits cap has had on people in the last five years has been horrendous.  People need the right information about what benefits they and their family are entitled to.  People are suffering and will continue to suffer if nothing is done.’

ETF’s Convenor Betty Stevenson commented ‘ETF was delighted to support the Poverty Alliance’s Challenge Poverty Week.  Tenant representatives have seen first-hand the impact poverty has had in Edinburgh and it’s only by different organisations and agencies working together that we hope we can make a difference.’

ETF representatives say ‘Challenge Poverty? Aye we can!’

ETF E-Newsletter | October 2019