Inspiring Volunteer Awards Announcement

Due to the current and ever changing situation, Volunteer Edinburgh have decided to postpone this year’s awards ceremony that was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 3rd June 2020, City Chambers, Royal Mile.  No decision has been made for a future date as yet, but rest assured that Volunteer Edinburgh will communicate this when it happens.

Volunteer Edinburgh have subsequently re-opened nominations and as yet there is no deadline, so get nominating!   If your organisation have already submitted nominations, these will be retained.  Organisations will have the option to either use these nominations or submit a new one.

Volunteer Edinburgh has thanked everyone for their support in recognising the fantastic achievements of the amazing volunteers in Edinburgh.  These volunteers will continue to be a vital part of Volunteer Edinburgh’s success now and going forward, particularly during these difficult times in which we live.

To nominate and for more information please click here.  Alternatively please contact Jason McCann, Events Coordinator by emailing


Edinburgh Poverty Commission wants submissions on poverty

People experiencing poverty in Edinburgh are being encouraged to share their stories of how the coronavirus outbreak is impacting on their lives.  The Chair of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission, which has been working since 2018 on solutions to put an end to poverty in the city, Jim McCormick has asked for anyone in financial hardship to share their experience.  The Commission is reaching out to hear about the experiences of people living in poverty in Edinburgh during the outbreak.  It is collecting information on the challenges people are facing and the solutions that need to be put in place to get through the months ahead.  They are also keen to learn about examples of compassion and kindness which are making a difference to people’s lives across the city.  These testimonials will be used to shape the short-term actions the city needs to put in place to address its problem.  You can send your thoughts by clicking here.

If you would like to find out more about the work of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission, please click here.

City of Edinburgh Council Stair Cleaning Service – COVID-19 Update

For a short period of time, the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) will not be carrying out their normal stair cleaning service.  They have made this decision because it is vital that they do everything they can to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and protect their customers, staff and members of the community.

Emergency Cleans

They will be carrying out emergency cleans only at this time.  Emergency cleaning is cleaning required to ensure the removal of hazardous substances, for example bodily fluids or fire hazard materials.  To report an emergency, clean please email or phone 0131 529 7484.

Please keep yourself and your families safe by following the guidance to maintain social distancing and stay at home.  CEC staff appreciate your patience, understanding and cooperation at this critical time.

ETF statement regarding office closure

We just wanted to let you know that ETF is still operating, to the best of our ability, during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

ETF has taken the decision to close its office in Norton Park, effective from 2 p.m. Friday 20th March 2020, to protect staff members and service users.

Whilst the office base is closed staff will be working from home but can still be contacted in the usual ways – by email to either or by phoning 0131 475 2509 and they will do their best to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you at a future event once this crisis has past.

ETF response to Housing 2040 Consultation

No Rent Increase – Tenants’ Can’t Afford It

Last Thursday (20th February) 2020, Edinburgh Tenants Federation (ETF) representatives took a deputation to a full City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) meeting asking for a rent freeze for one year.  Federation members and CEC tenants expressed concern about CEC’s proposed 2% rent increase and 4.79% council tax increase and the implications of this including:

  • CEC’s rents simply are not affordable as tenants living in Edinburgh pay the highest rents in Scotland;
  • CEC is building houses which tenants can’t afford to live in as the rents are too high;
  • Many tenants are on an income, but can’t afford to pay their rent;
  • Tenants are not clear about what the 2% rent increase is being spent on;
  • The increased childcare costs mean that some children’s diets are suffering as a result.

Despite the Federation’s campaign for a rent freeze, Councillors agreed to increase CEC tenants’ rents by 2% and Council tax by 4.79%.

ETF’s Convenor Betty Stevenson commented, “Naturally I’m disappointed that the rents and council tax will be increasing this year.  However it was very important that we expressed the views of tenants, many of whom will be affected by these increases.  Nevertheless we have achieved a great deal of positive publicity through this campaign and we will look to build on this moving forward.”

ETF would like to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the planning for and for coming up with the campaign slogan “No Rent Increase – Tenants’ Can’t Afford It”.  ETF representatives will continue to work with CEC officials to look at ways to improve next year’s Budget Consultation.

ETF representatives standing outside the City Chambers campaigning for a rent freeze