Edinburgh Tenants Federation’s (ETF’s) first online virtual meeting for members held on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 has received plenty of positive feedback from those who attended. The meeting entitled ‘ETF, COVID-19 and beyond’ allowed members to find out more about ETF’s activities during lockdown, hear about the work of ETF member groups and to discuss ETF, member group and tenant priorities for the future.
Some of the priorities for ETF’s members included:
• More social housing needs to be built in Edinburgh;
• Council rents need to be affordable;
• Ensuring repairs are carried out first-time and correctly;
• Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour.
ETF’s Convenor Betty Stevenson commented, “ It was great to be able to hold our first online virtual meeting for our members and I enjoyed being able to see a lot of familiar faces for the first time in many months. The meeting allowed our members to discuss priorities for moving forward and I was impressed with the range of topics that were being discussed. We will be working hard to take these issues forward.”
ETF staff and the board are working hard in preparation for our Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled to take place on Friday 27th November 2020 via zoom. You can find out more about the work of ETF at www.edinburghtenants.org.uk.
This year’s Scottish Housing Day takes place on Wednesday 16th September. This year’s theme is ‘celebrating the impact that housing makes to the lives of people and communities across the country.’ If you have any thoughts/stories you would like to share and are happy be included in ETF’s response, please contact ETF’s Development Worker Mark Henry by emailing mark@edinburghtenants.org.uk or phone 07918 742468.