ETF’s response to City of Edinburgh Council’s Rent Consultation – November 2021

ETF response to City of Edinburgh Council Short Term Lets Consultation – November 2021

Reflecting and celebrating at Edinburgh Tenants Federation’s (ETF) Annual General Meeting (AGM)

ETF’s second online AGM held on Friday 29th October 2021 was a great success.  The AGM promised to be a memorable event and it certainly didn’t disappoint, as it allowed the Federation to reflect on what has been a very busy and productive year.  Some of the highlights included:

  • An inspiring and heart-warming presentation from special guest, Josh Quigley, who recently broke the Guiness World Record for cycling a distance of 2179.66 miles in seven days. An awesome achievement following a battle with his mental health as well physical injuries received during his many cycling challenges
  • ‘A Year in the life of ETF’ presentation
  • Election of the 2021 / 22, including the welcome addition of a new member
  • A fun quiz to provide the final flourish to the proceedings.

ETF’s Convenor Betty Stone commented, “We would like to thank everyone who attended our AGM on Friday 29th October.  Josh’s presentation was so inspiring and it’s great that he is going into schools to teach children and young people about everything he’s accomplished.  We are delighted with the positive feedback we’ve received at the AGM, as reflected on what has been a particularly challenging but rewarding year.”

A copy of ETF’s Annual Report is available to download by clicking here and you can find out more about the work of ETF by clicking here.

ETF E-Newsletter November 2021

ETF Annual Report 2020-2021

Gas Quality Control Audits

CORGI Technical Services Ltd will be shortly carrying out independent quality inspections on recent gas work carried out in some of City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) tenants’ homes.

Letters will also be sent to all CEC tenants who may be chosen for an inspection visit – this will include the email address and contact number for CORGI.  As the letter advises, not everyone who receives a letter will be visited for the inspection.

Further information will be provided in due course, including when the letters will be issued and when inspections will take place.

A sample copy of the letter can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

CORGI – Letter to CEC tenants amended address and COVID-19 18-10-2021